


Business is the surest way to get rich and successful in life.  That's because when you own your business, no one puts a limit on you.

But business is hard to set up, hard to do and hard to grow to the level of giving you great success.

This is a fact that many who want to get into business do not like to hear it, they go head-to-head and end up falling badly.

Numerous studies conducted on business clearly show that in 10 start-up businesses, within two years 8 are completely dead.  and the remaining two, one is the most successful after five years.

If business were a school or a learning profession, then it would be the leading cause of failure for many students.  And many of the failures are because they refuse to look at the truth, they deceive themselves and when they encounter reality, they fall wrong. Business is the surest way to get rich and successful in life.  That's because when you own your business, no one puts a limit on you.

But business is hard to set up, hard to do and hard to grow to the level of giving you great success. This is a fact that many who want to get into business do not like to hear it, they go head-to-head and end up falling badly.

Numerous studies conducted on business clearly show that in 10 start-up businesses, within two years 8 are completely dead.  and the remaining two, one is the most successful after five years.

If business were a school or a learning profession, then it would be the leading cause of failure for many students.  And many of the failures are because they refuse to look at the truth, they deceive themselves and when they encounter reality, they fall wrong.

One; Capital.

capital is a challenge that has been widely mentioned. There are different ways to get a capital to establish business.

But the main way that I advise for those who start the bottom are your own savings. Here you need to have other activities that make you incomes and part of the income to keep it. If you have monthly employment Set at least 10 percent of your salary and put them where you can't use it. If you are unemployed, search for activities to do, even if it is laborers to use your strength, do anything valid that gets income and then part of the income Saves as a capital start business you want.

Two; Time.

Time to run a business has been challenged for many. Here are those whose businesses depends on everything and there are those who have other activities they do and businesses are something extra.

For those whose business depends on everything, put your priorities well. Know what is important roles to you to do that no one can do well and that's the first priority. For other roles, search people to help you do. The sun cannot do everything, so choose what is important and productive.

For other activities and business together, first select a business that is in line with the time you can get. Then Idake your day one on two days, one is hours of work and two are hours of business. As you respect the hours of being at work, respectively as well as hours of business. Example If you get into work at one morning and from nine o'clock, that's your day of work.

You can now need a business day that can be starting at 10 pm until 4 o'clock. You must respect that business day as you respect the work and organize your time for priorities.

Three; customers.

Business is customers, many businesses die when they are missing the customer guaranteed. Many go into business with a distorted view, that when you open the business then customers will see and come themselves. That is wrong. For the time we live now, customers have been disrupted, have a lot of discomfort that they can be passing before your business every day and do not know if you are.

So you should look for customers, you should have a marketing strategy that you work for. First to know what value you give to your business, then know what kind of customers are targeting, knowing where they are and then follow them and make sure they know about the presence of your business.

This is the area you should work in particular, otherwise your business cannot grow. Business grows when it increases new customers every time.

Four; sales.

Networks simplifies people to advertise their business, people are very popist photos and customers know the truth that these people do. But when it comes to buying, many customers do not buy. They can ask for a price, and asked for discounts but the end of the day they do not buy. Many businesses are affected by this, customers arrive and ask but do not buy.

You should have a sales strategy, you persuade and push customers to buy each when they get to business or ask for. Giving money tend to bite, so do not think the customer will come to you and give you money easily. He has many use and money, you must really have to give you the money there is great benefits to him than to use them elsewhere.

For what you sell, know your customers' pain and how you sell it hurts their pain. Then when they get to your business, shone their ulcers, make them feel their pain and show how what you sell the pain. That's what you become your sales strategy.

Five; The cash flow.

There is a statement of Kiswahili who is very popular with small businesses, the phrase is 'metal bring'. The concept is that the person in his business sells very much, very much, but does not see the money going. Then one is convinced that there are people who steal money on business in superstitious ways. But that's not true, no one can steal money on your business in superstitious ways. He will steal clearly if the loop or your negligence will cause loss.

Not knowing the business cycle is an obstacle to many businesses grow. Many are happy to buy and sell, but do not know about income and expenditure.

You do not need to be an accountant to calculate the cash cycle in your business, what you need to know are two things, how much money it goes to business and how much it comes from. In order for business to be healthy, you must have money that gets greater than the coming.

Keep well the records of all you do in the business then calculate every day, weekly and monthly. Money business should stay in business and do not give it to personal use. And most importantly, how much you do and the benefit part of the benefit you should return to business capital.

Places; business costs.

The cost of running the business has been something that many traders do not follow and control, so they grow and swallow every benefit available.

You must know the basic cost of running your business and controls them not to grow profit.

Seven; assistants.

Finding appropriate helpers on business has become a great challenge. There are many people looking for work to do, but give them a job they cannot do them well. Every businessman who has ever hired knows how difficult it is to find the right people to hire.

The big thing you have to consider in getting the best assistants on your business is to check the first character before skill. You can teach anyone the skill, but you can't teach him the character. So start with a character. And the behavior of watching is three; Integrity, intelligence and power.

Investor Billionaire Warren Buffett has its foundation has been used to recruit where he says he looks at righteousness, intelligence and strength and if a person has no first praise, then the two will be dangerous. Use these qualities in finding the right people to help you in your business.

Eight; competition.

The business competition has been fierce because it is too easy to enter into business in this age than the past. So any business you do, there are others can also make it, and see you benefit, they will do it. Even if you have come to a completely new business, if you have success there are others and they will begin to make it.

Dealing with the competition do not overtake, instead of differentiate. For any business you do, see how to distinguish yourself from all the others who make it. Having something that you only can do, which the customer cannot find other parts except for you.

The direct competition in the business is expensive and you will drop, leave them and differentiate. Put the unique and diversity in the business, give the best services and give customers a reason to stop others and come to you.

Nine; legal procedures.

Registration, licensing and tax are key legal processes that each trader should follow. The past people were able to do business regardless of these procedures and are not disturbed. But now things have changed, all kinds of business now has registration systems, licensing and paying taxes. 

The sun for the business you do is the registration of what kind should you have, what license should you have with the tax routine according to your business cycle. Don't give up these things, it will be an obstacle to your business.

Ten; Raise more business.

There are many traders who start in the lowest business, they deal with businesses get some success. But after reaching a certain level of success, the business does not have again. Years Go back to the business becomes right there. As the founder is tired and can not fight as the original and it leads to business to start falling.

In order for business to grow more, it should not limit, you must make a system of self-control without depending on its founder. So when your business is still small, create a system. Whenever you step, make sure the business depends on you little and depending on the system.

When you succeed in having a business system that can run on its own without you being present at all, you are achieving the highest and unlimited success.  This is something that is built over time, so start with it early.

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