My dear friend,
When you were a child, people loved to ask you this important question; who do you want to be when you grow up?
And you answered that question without feeling embarrassed or limited, you said whatever you were thinking.
Since you were a child, people agreed with you, knowing it was just childish intelligence, if you grow up and know the realities, you will think positively.
As you grew older and continued to be asked that question, your answers began to change. You stopped saying big dreams and saying the possible ones.
You stopped talking confidently and started talking spontaneously.
If you are a fourth grader when you are asked that question you answer with confidence I want to be a pilot. If you are a form four if you are asked that question you answer if I get even a teacher I will be grateful.
In both cases, the community has done its job correctly. The task of completely killing your big dreams and leaving you with only ordinary dreams that will not give you great success.
Society does this unknowingly, because it is full of ordinary people, with ordinary dreams.
Today I have very good news for you, Today I'm going to show you how the biggest dreams you've ever had you can achieve for sure.
And that starts with one simple and definite philosophy, the philosophy of EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
Marie Forleo went through a life of all kinds of challenges, she did all sorts of hard work in her life and money was a big challenge for her. He plunged into deep debt and into troubled relationships. But he was able to get out of all of that and achieve great success.
He achieved all this through his philosophy which he called EVERYTHING IS FIGUREOUTABLE which means EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
After Marie benefited greatly from the Philosophy, she did not want to be greedy with it, but she has been generous and ready to share with us all the philosophy and how to use it to make great. He has done this through a book he wrote, entitled Everything is figureoutable
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the analysis of this book, so that you can learn that philosophy and apply it to make great strides in your life.
Through this book Marie shows us how everything is possible. He gives us the techniques and steps to take so that we can do what we want to do and get what we want to get.
The family, the school, the community and the world at large have been convincing you that there are some things you can and some you cannot.
That is all a lie, everything is possible if someone really wants it and is willing to take the necessary steps to find it. The fact is, no one knows the potential in us. Even the parents who gave birth to us still do not know the great potential we have and the great potential we have.
So they gave it to us by chance, as best they could.
Now that you are an adult, it is time to remove every limitation you have come to believe and accept as fact.
It’s time to find out exactly what you want and fight until you get it. 3 this book, we are going to learn how to achieve that.
The good thing is that we have all kinds of evidence of people who were able to do great things that seemed impossible.
There are those who are able to start a business and grow it despite starting out with nothing at all.
There are those who have managed to get out of poor health. There are those who could get out of big debt and get rich.
The world depends on you so much.
You need to do great things not only for your own sake, but also for the sake of the world. The world is going through a series of challenges that require courageous people.
The world needs to see an example of people who can do what seems to be a failure. And you can be one of those people, who will do great things that will benefit you and benefit the world as well.