


• My dear friend,
One thing that distinguishes those who achieve great success from those who fail is goals.

Successful people do not know exactly what they want and how they can get it, and they do it every day. They do not give up despite encountering various difficulties.

The losers do not know exactly what they want, they are just there and they are always chasing new things that interest them.

Goals are what make a person decide exactly what he wants, how he gets it and the steps to work every day to get what he wants.

Here on goals people have a lot of challenges, they don't know how to set the right goals and even if they set them they can't work them out.

In this consulting article we are going to learn how to set big goals and work on them until they reach them.

Before we look at the steps you need to take in the goal area, let's get the opinion of a colleague who asked for advice on this.

"I have big goals but I can't start working on them and I find myself constantly changing them as the days go by" - Gamaliel J. M.

To set big goals and achieve them, follow these steps.

I. Know exactly what you want.
The main reason people do not get what they want is because they do not know what they want.
You may wonder how that is possible, but it is real.
Most people have only aspirations, they want to achieve great things.
The goal is to determine exactly what you want, not what you want, but what you want.

II. Tell yourself that you must get what you want.
There are those who know exactly what they want, but end up telling themselves they will try or if they will get it right and if they will not get it right.
No one has ever gotten so serious with such careless thinking.
You tell yourself you must get what you want, as long as you stay alive.
Your promise and benefit is that you will get what you want or you will die fighting for it.
Decide completely if you know there is no going back.

III. Be able to measure what you want.
Another challenge to goals is people failing to measure. They just tell themselves they want bigger, but they can't measure how big they are.
Anything that can't be measured has no chance of further improvement.
So make sure your goals are measurable.
Instead of telling yourself you want more money or more wealth, tell yourself exactly how much money or wealth you want to have.

IV. Take small steps to work toward a goal.
Since you can already measure a goal, start taking small steps to reach it.
Yes your goal is big, but divide it into smaller steps that you can work on every day.
Even if you are working very hard, doing so every day without stopping to do so, you will have results that are far greater.
Don't let a day go by without working toward your goal, even in small steps.

V. Make the goal your first priority.
With your big goal, which is the one that has the power to bring great results into your life, it should be your first priority.
Don't worry about the other things that take your time, energy and attention to your main goal.
Do not let distractions and isolation hinder communication within your family.
Every day work on your first priority which is your main goal.

VI. Know why you suffer to achieve that goal.
When you have big goals, the sun has chosen suffering. You will face many challenges in achieving those goals. You will go through all kinds of sufferings. Why are you ready to go through all that?
If you do not have a big motivation, you will not get far from your big goals, you will give up and end up on the road.
Why it might be to leave a big mark, show others it is possible, help others in need or get what you really want.
Find out why you are so big and always remind yourself so you don’t end up on the road.

VII. Have someone to supervise and hold you accountable.
We humans are by nature lazy, careless, and prone to make things easier. With those qualities you will not achieve your great goals.
You need someone to monitor you closely, to monitor you on your big goals and to hold you accountable as you go beyond your goals.
Being alone is easy to get lost, and having a close supervisor will not let you get lost.
You need a mentor, coach or close advisor to work on your big goals.

VIII. Examine yourself regularly.
Although you take small steps every day to achieve your goals, you need to know if you are really on the right track or not.
You will know this by doing some self-assessment.
Each day, evaluate your performance and how you have worked toward your goals.
Each week evaluate your own steps.
Monthly also evaluate and annually evaluate yourself.
It is through assessment that you get a picture of where you are headed.

IX. Don't change goals, change plans.
If your goal is from Dar to Arusha, you arrive at the bus stand and are told all the buses are full, you should not change the purpose of the trip, but you should change the transport you use.
Likewise with goals, when you encounter obstacles and challenges, no matter how great, do not change the goal, you change the plan that works to achieve that goal.
If one method closes and you don't see it as the end, look, there are only so many other methods you can use to achieve the goal.

X. Write down your big goal every day.
Various studies conducted on goals show just the act of writing goals, increasing the probability of achieving them by 42 percent.
Use that power to write down goals to make sure you achieve them.
Start each day by writing down your big goals.
And when you encounter difficulties, obstacles, or any other challenge that might cause you to become discouraged, rewrite your goals.
When you write down your goals you give priority to your mind and that makes you see opportunities to achieve them.

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