There are important secrets to success in business that are not taught in business school and even many business books and successes have not touched those secrets.
Often when people go to study business in colleges or when they read books about business, they are more educated about important areas of business such as products, markets, sales and so on.
But there are other important areas in business such as relationships, happiness, goals, office politics and taking risky steps that are very important to know in order to succeed in work and business. But these important things have not been taught in business schools and even business books.
Writer and business consultant Chris Haroun through his book 101 Crucial Lessons They Don’t Teach you in Business School shares with us those 101 secrets of success in business that have been untrained and given weight.
Chris has learned these secrets through highly successful businessmen and entrepreneurs. In his consulting career, Chris has met some very successful people like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Marc Benioff and CEOs of major technology companies.
Here I am going to share with you 101 secrets so that you can work on them and be very successful in your business.
The following are 101 secrets of success in business that are not taught in school.
• There is one way to get whatever you want and that way is to apply. Praying and receiving will be the key to success in business. If there is something you want, ask for it, and others will be willing to give it to you. You can't get something without asking.
• When applying for a job, instead of submitting an application as others do, find meetings with local actors. By using the social network LinkedIn, you can meet anyone and increase your chances of getting the job you want.
• Business is people, no matter what you know, but who you know and who knows you. So work hard to improve your network of people you know and know.
• Treat everyone you meet as a celebrity, the sun is important, show them importance and people will love to meet you. To be successful in business you need to make many friends.
• Meet people, have fun and learn. Set your sights on building strong relationships in your business and career, do what you love when you are surrounded by the people you love. Also learn from those you work with and those around you.
• Being a grateful person, every time you meet someone, or someone works for you, take the time to write a thank you note, it strengthens your relationship.
• Those you studied with at the same school or college are very important people to your success. Having them around and forming better relationships, everyone can benefit through the work of others. If there is no unity of those you have studied together, you have a good opportunity to establish it.
• Follow up with people after meeting them. When you meet and meet someone for the first time, keep track of them in communication, this strengthens the relationships you have established.
• Have a long-term view, not a person who wants quick success, but be patient knowing that long-term success is what lasts. If you want immediate success you will make mistakes that will cost you dearly in the future. Imagine the next 5, 10, 20 and even 30 years.
• Learn, find, reciprocate. Learn to increase your income, this will lead to increased income and as it increases return it to your community. You have to be generous to those in need, this allows you to be more successful.
• The harder you work, the more you increase your chances. if there is luck in work and business then it is due to being very dedicated to what you do. The ones you see are lucky, they are more committed than others.
• The best investment you can make in your life is to invest in yourself. Being willing to pay the cost of getting the right training and advice, knowledge will greatly help you to succeed. Read books, attend training, seminars and have coaches and mentors who help you succeed more.
• Learn what not to do. People often learn what to do, but they forget the important lesson of what to avoid. Look at the mistakes others have made, and do not repeat them.
• Set aside time to work hard and then take time off. Set aside one week of rest every six months. And when you get out of the break, set a date for the next break. The more you work the harder your body needs to rest as well, otherwise you will get very tired which will hinder you.
• Stress will kill you. Avoid stressful situations in your life. Stress is caused by the fears that a person has built up, get rid of the fears you have and you will not be stressed. Know everything will go well if you take the right steps.
• When you find you have severe stress, give yourself a day off, even if you are not feeling well. These breaks will reduce stress by keeping yourself away from work. But it will also prevent you from making mistakes when you are making stressful decisions.
• Follow God's Ten Commandments, working six and seven days to rest. Make a good routine of getting one day off each week, it will relieve you of stress and give your body some rest.
• Nothing can stop you from succeeding but yourself. Believe that you can be whatever you want, put in the effort and you will be. If you think you can and if you think you can't, you're right.
• The glass is always full. There is a way to measure a person's attitude, by putting half a glass of water and then asking the person to explain the glass with water. Those with a positive attitude say the glass is half full, those with a negative attitude say the glass is half empty. Those with a positive attitude see the glass always full. Always take what you encounter in a positive light and ask yourself how you can benefit the most from it.
• A balanced life brings great success to business. Make the most of your time, have the right priorities for yourself, and keep your priorities in order. Do only what is important and leave the rest behind. You have time to do everything if you will use it well.
• Much of the fear you have is deceiving yourself. Our minds are very good at creating fear, they predict things will get worse. But things do not always go as planned. So don't pay too much attention to your fears.
• Avoid extremes of despair, people who do not strive to succeed, people who complain and blame others. People like this will absorb your energy for success and you will never be able to take action.
• Do not compare yourself with anyone else, you are the best person ever to live on earth, no one has ever existed and will never exist. Know that you are unique and important, so do not compare yourself with anyone. Know your differences and apply that.
• No one is wiser than you. All the great things you see done, done by people who are not too mind-boggling. This means that if you put in the effort you will be able to do great things as well.
• Transparency builds trust. For everything you do, be 100 percent transparent. Do not hide anything in your business, tell the customer the truth about what you are selling. If you cheat on him one day he will come to know and you will completely ruin your business relationship.
• Do not trust people who are not honest. Do not do business with people who betray their loved ones or partners. Because if they can betray the people around them, they will not fail to betray you on important business matters. Also, do not trust people who say bad things about you, but if they go to others they say bad things about you.
• Four ways to know if someone is cheating;
My; gives a long explanation for a question that requires a yes or no answer.
Two; he does not look into his eyes when he speaks.
Tatu; he puts his hand over his mouth as he speaks.
Four; he shakes his leg as he speaks.
• You can build your name in 30 years, then break it in just 30 seconds. Be careful with everything you do, especially on social networks, you can do something small and it has a very serious effect on you.
• Put great preparation into whatever you do. If your competitor spends 5 hours preparing for something, you spend 50 hours. Always put more preparation into whatever you do than others put in and that will give you a greater chance of success.
• A simple exercise to find the best employees or yourself to be the best employee. This exercise has four questions, where if the answer is yes to all the questions then that person is the best. If there is no answer, that person is not the best. The questions are as follows;
My; does he enjoy working for the company?
Two; does one spend more time listening than talking?
Tatu; do they ask others more questions and listen to them express themselves?
Four; are they trustworthy people?
• Do not go through a shortcut that you have never passed when you are in a hurry. When you are in a hurry, you will succeed in passing the right path rather than passing the shortcut. Shortcuts always have side effects, especially when you cut into the quality of what you are doing to complete on time or at minimal cost.
• Do what you are afraid to do, and that is where your greatest success will be. Know what you are afraid of doing is also what your competitors are afraid to do, so when you do it you are distinguishing yourself from them.
• Identify the gap between where you are and where you want to go, and then put effort into closing the gap. Don't go for less that your full potential.
• Writing down your goals gives you a greater chance of achieving them than not writing them down. A study conducted at Yale College found that out. Write down your goals each day, and you will achieve them.
• When it comes to increasing classroom education, add education only where it helps you to do a better job. But don't go back to school because you want to be paid more, if you want to be paid more read the books and apply what you learn.
• Each time you reach a goal, set a higher goal. Do not rest and relax because you have achieved the goal, instead set a bigger goal and each time you will be pushing yourself harder.
• Don’t be busy, have what you like to do. Happiness is the result of doing what you love to do. So you have to love what you do and then you won’t work at all. If what you are doing you see is just work, then you are already wrong.
• Enjoy your failures. No one has ever been so successful without fail. So when you fail enjoy it, because it is the path to great success.
• Money is not the same as happiness. Your main focus on what you do should not be money, but start by loving what you do and giving your contribution to others. And the happiness you can get from money is to help others.
• Gratitude brings happiness. When you become a grateful person, you are happy. Every day list the things you are grateful to have in your life and you will have a happy life.
• Wealth cannot buy health, so give priority to your health. Many people forget their health in the pursuit of wealth, and then finding it and using it to improve their health, that is ridiculous. Take care of your health, eat well, exercise and get some rest.
• The best time for you to change jobs or businesses is when you wake up in the morning you don't feel like going to your job or business at all. When you start to see yourself working, then you are lost. Remember, success does not have to work, but it does have to do with what you love.
• Protect your family by registering your business as a company. When a business goes bankrupt, your personal assets are not liquidated. But when you run a business as an individual, if the business goes bankrupt your personal assets are also bankrupt.
• Have a lawyer who helps you with various contracts you enter into with other people. Do not trust those who dictate contracts, they care more about their interests than you do. So have your lawyer review the contracts first before you agree to it.
• Protect yourself from problems in the workplace or business, know the boundaries of communication and relationships in the workplace. For example, avoiding having an affair with someone you work in the same area, undermines the effectiveness of the work.
• Praise publicly, criticize privately. When you are a leader, when someone is doing well do not die in front of others and when he is doing wrong criticize him alone. This makes people do better and not be afraid to be hurt in front of others.
• Don't focus on business. Once you set your mind on the business, you make the most ambitious and costly decisions. Always use common sense, and when you realize that emotions are high, restrain yourself.
• One important thing to look for in an investment is the presence of a good operating team. The best business is one that is run by the best team and not one person. When you want to invest in a business, look at the team that runs the business.
• Hire procedures, dismiss quickly. You need to take time to hire someone, to monitor him closely and to get to know him well. And when you find out that someone is out of your business, you should immediately dismiss him or her because the longer he or she stays, the more likely he or she will be.
• Touch something immediately and end it. Time has become a problem for many because they do not have a good schedule. Make it a goal to touch something immediately and get rid of it, especially in communication. For example, if you have set aside time to read the email, every email you open read and take action right away, don't tell yourself to save it and come and work on it later, then you are wasting time. So also with letters and other work you do, tap once and finish with it.
• Write messages and save. Someone can really annoy you, and you text him, maybe for a day, or email. Before you send the message, save it until the next day, then come and read it again before you send it. You will often find that it is not the right message to send. The lesson is not to respond when you are angry, give yourself time to calm down and you will see the right steps to take.
• Religion and politics are two types of debates that you should avoid in your workplace or business. This is a debate that divides people very much. If you run a business that involves a wide range of people, do not disclose your religious or political affiliation, it will not help you at all to reduce customers.
• Those who criticize you praise you. There is no one who is criticized for not doing something great. So don’t be afraid to be criticized, those suns are a feature that there is something big and different that you are doing.
• Never speak to someone who is not there, if someone has come to you with someone else's information, tell him or her to wait and call that person to hear what you have to say. And when you find people saying something to someone else, say something positive about that person or get out of there quickly. No matter what you say about others, the sun will set on you.
• See how others are doing and then you do the same. When you move to a new job or business environment, it will not help if you appear to be a completely different person. Get to know the culture of the area then go with them. What you do do with the highest quality, but do not break the traditional culture.
• At work if you want to be promoted, you must be obedient to those above you. You need to be willing to subject yourself to such pressure. Those who are humble and obedient are the ones who get the chance to rise. If you can't be humble even when your boss is wrong, then go into business, at work it will be very difficult for you to climb higher.
• At work, the more you look like a worker. So in order to get promotions, no matter how hard you work, you have to prove to the right people that you are working. In short, drama is very much involved in promoting a career. If you can't play then get into business, the job will be very difficult for you.
• Do not trust anyone. In work and business, everyone can be your enemy at any time, because everyone looks after their own interests more than others. So always be careful, always do what is right and do not trust anyone, everyone has their own agendas.
• People need to know your success, and you are the one who has to tell them. If you keep quiet about your success and believe that people will know it, then you are not going to step up. People have a lot of things that bother them, you need to remind them about your success so they know you are the right person to work with.
• Always take feedback on your success. It is easy to see yourself doing the wrong thing when you are lost. The easiest way to find out if what you are doing is right is to ask those around you to give you their opinion. Make them feel free to comment, even if they are not nice, that way you will know if you are doing well or not.
• The only way to get a promotion and increase your income is to apply. If you wait until people see that you deserve a promotion or a raise, you are delaying yourself. Follow up with the person in charge and ask for a chance to be given more responsibilities and an additional income as well. Remember, ask, and it will be given you;
• Before you quit, talk to your boss or employer. If you have found work in another area that pays you more, before you quit your current job, talk to your boss or employer about the new job you got and its benefits. If you are a good worker, he will be willing to give you what you are going to get in a new job so that he does not lose you.
• At parties or professional or business meetings, avoid using alcohol of any kind, even if everyone else is drinking. It is best to use a regular alcoholic beverage, but do not use alcohol. When you get drunk, you have the opportunity to do things that will ruin your career or business.
• At work, do not try to outdo your boss, especially by doing things that show you are better than he or she is. Whenever anyone is above you getting the impression that you are doing better than him, he will put every obstacle in your way so that you do not succeed.
• Look normal and harmless. In the workplace, do not want to appear to be sly and know everything. If you make yourself clear that way you are making a lot of enemies. Look like a normal and harmless person, no one will bother you and you will have a good time building yourself up and being better.
• Never complain. Do not complain or blame anyone, do not be a negative person. A negative attitude and being a complaining person will not help you at all.
• You need to have mentees, people who have already reached where you want to go. These people will share their experiences with you, but they will also correct you when you are wrong. Choose the right people who will push you to be more successful.
• Learn from the most successful people by reading books that tell their life stories. Follow the most successful ones on social media, you will learn a lot more through those people.
• No highly successful person has a negative attitude. This is one secret to learning from the successful ones and living it every day in your life. Always have a positive attitude and trust yourself and believe in your goals.
• In investing, invest where the most successful investors invest. Don’t use your emotions to invest thinking you have found an opportunity that others have not seen. The most successful investors have the best experience in investing, follow them and you will succeed.
SECTION THIRTEEN; THE anxious are the ones who survive.
• They say mental anxiety, being anxious that you want to confirm something first before reaching a decision, helps. Example before you send any message, repeat it first and then you will see if there are any errors. Likewise in your use of social media, be very careful and cautious.
• Your personal future plans should be kept confidential. At work, if you plan to leave the job in the future, that should be your secret and no one should know. Because when challenges arise and people need to be reduced, you will begin to be reduced yourself who have already shown that in the future you are going to leave, and that can ruin your future plans.
• Always have an alternative plan. Don't rely on one plan alone, if you fail you will get stuck.
• Question the agenda behind what people are doing. Whatever people do, there is an agenda hidden behind it, which they do not keep clear. You need to know everyone's agenda before you agree with them.
• Fail quickly and fail early. Whatever you do in the job or business, you will never succeed if you do it normally. You need to take action that seems risky. So you need to fail quickly and win early, by trying dangerous things. With that failure, you will have learned in advance and know what is right.
• Use other people's money. When you want to grow your business, the best way is to spend money on others. And the best money to spend is finding people to invest in your business. Credit is not good, especially when the business is in its infancy. But having investors gives you the freedom to further grow your business.
• Do not invest in a business whose founders have left. Businesses grow and become more creative when the founders of those businesses are present in those businesses. Because they are the ones with the biggest vision for the business. Once they leave, all that is left is politics, and look at the benefits of growth. Most companies start to collapse when the founders leave.
• Do fewer things more effectively than do more things regularly. Sell a few high quality items instead of selling many high quality items. In your sales, say a few key words.
• Speak with affection and enthusiasm. When talking about your product or business, speak with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm. The more you like and be inspired by what you sell, the more you can persuade others to agree with you. If you speak with insecurity, in a low voice and despair, you will not be able to sell it to anyone.
• If you know someone wants to buy something, keep quiet. When persuading someone to buy something, many sellers find themselves talking too much until someone procures the item. Get rid of clutter you do not need to talk about. Then one will make decisions and buy.
• Smaller customers need work than older customers. In your business, choose to serve larger customers and you will be more successful. If you try to catch up with small customers, they will give you a lot of work. First they will want a discount because their budget is small and second they will need your help even after you buy. Big customers have a big budget and they have a team of people working on those things they won’t rely too much on you.
• Do not hear the word no. When you persuade people to buy something, they will have many objections. If you hear those objections and agree with them, you will never be able to sell. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.
• Start with personal conversations before business talks. When you meet a customer before you enter into a business conversation, start first with a personal conversation, this builds good relationships but also gives you know what motivates customers and helps you in sales.
• The best way to get in touch with anyone is to use the social networking site LinkedIn, look for something you have in common with someone you want to meet, maybe you come from the same area, or have attended the same school or college, then send a self-identification message. request a meeting. Many will be willing to give you a chance.
• Confidence breeds resentment. Be very confident in what you do and people will trust you and see you as a leader in what you do. When you trust yourself you sell more because more people trust you. Be confident but do not be arrogant.
• Sports is one of the conversations that everyone can relate to. When you meet someone, know which game he or she prefers and which team he or she is a fan of, then you can have a good conversation that builds good relationships before you enter into a business conversation.
• Golf is a great game that brings you together with people of high rank in big companies and businesses. Learn and share this game and you will meet many successful people.
• Dress like someone who has already succeeded. People judge you by your dress and grooming. So always have a good look, dress like a successful person. Always dress the way those you want to achieve their success wear. If you are employed, dress as your boss or company director would.
• Make good use of social media and networks. These are opportunities to advertise your business and reach more people completely free of charge or at low cost. Find opportunities to participate and be interviewed in various media and that will make more people know about you and your business.
• Go against the crowd and you will be more successful. When something is done by many, you do it against them, and you will be very successful. often what many do is not the right thing to do. An example in investing when everyone sells, you buy, and when everyone buys, you sell.
• Always run your business as a small company. As the company gets bigger the bureaucracy becomes more and the discovery and innovation decreases. When running your business, no matter how big it is, run it as a small business, important decisions should be made by a few people and made quickly.
• Think before you act. There are many people who advise a lot of things about business and investment. But never do anything because of the advice of others, sit down and think with your mind and make decisions that are right for you.
• Take time to walk. When you are stuck on anything, or you are stressed, or you want to make important decisions, take a walk. Through walks you will be able to think differently and make better decisions.
• Create a platform. The business system has changed dramatically with the advent of the internet. The best way to have a successful business is to make your business a platform for people to meet. And even when you do invest, invest in companies that are a platform. Amazon’s largest company is a platform where retailers and buyers meet. Social networks are platforms that gather people and sell ads. Create a platform and you will be very successful.
• Respect practices, respect discovery and creativity. Many businesses die because they follow practices even when things change. Don’t be a person to follow practices, instead follow innovations and new discoveries, everything changes, your business also needs to change.
• Be honest and speak from the bottom of your heart. When you are talking to anyone, speak the truth and speak from the bottom of your heart. In this way you will be trusted and persuade many more. When you speak from the bottom of your heart people know you are a real person and not an actor.
• Listen to your partner, this is someone who knows you better than other people. He should be your first mentor. Ask for advice and feedback from your partner and he or she will tell you facts that will help you a lot.
• Don’t give space to people or negative thoughts in your mind. Never allow the situation of failure or despair to creep into you. If you are not careful, you will become a hindrance to your success, by being very critical of yourself. Get rid of negative and frustrating thoughts and do not give them any space in your mind.
• Take time to be alone. We give our time to everyone except ourselves. Make sure you set aside time to be alone, to reflect on your life, to see where you are coming from, where you are and where you are going and even time to relax as well. You are the most important person to you, take the time to be alone and listen to yourself.
• It is not too late to start anything. In the age we live in, you can start anything at any age and still be successful. If you are late, do not despair that you cannot begin now. At any age, you can start whatever you want to start and succeed. Whether it's a business or some other skill, all you need is love and a willingness to learn.
• Disruption leads to new discoveries. Disruption at work and even business is a common occurrence. There are times when you come and see that everything you do is incomprehensible or boring and the way things are done. That's where the good news comes in. You are in for a treat. When you find yourself in a tense situation, think of a new and better way to do what you are doing.
Friends, those are the 101 secrets of success in business that are not taught in many places. Put this training into practice and you will not stay where you are now.