There are times in our daily lives when we say money is everything. You wonder how many people get money but we don't know how to spend that money so that it can save itself. there are many factors that lead to misuse of funds.
This money has many names. This is due to the place where they call money. Today in this article I am going to tell you about the misuse of money that makes us daily in a state of poverty.
The following is a waste of money.
Lack of spending planning.
One of the biggest challenges facing many of us is that we do not have the right planning on spending. There are some of us who crave everything we see in front of us and buy it even if you had no plans to buy that thing. There are some of us as we walk around seeing this and that we must buy that is not financial discipline.
There are also some people who get salaries you will only know by seeing their use they make. To do so is to push yourself back. The most important thing to do about proper use is to have a good budget and buy something you plan to buy. Also Make sure that every money you earn and spend You write down in your ledger this will help you to be financially responsible because you will be aware of all the pros and cons of what you do.
Borrow money at random
This is a serious mistake that is weighing heavily on many people. I think you will be a good witness! debts that afflict or afflict you. There are some people who borrow money from financial institutions but do not have enough knowledge about such loans especially in looking at the loan will have a profit or a loss. Many do not understand about the loan, especially the whole issue of paying interest.
You will be surprised for example a person borrows nine hundred thousand shillings and has to repay one million within a month. Since you did not know the money, you will find yourself in trouble with those who say that money is the devil.
What I mean is that borrowing is not bad but try to get enough education on credit and try to do a loan analysis especially the issue of interest. Try to make comparisons from one institution to another this will help you know which loan is right for you.
Leaving aside credit issues in financial institutions there are some people who are good borrowers for other people such as clothes, shoes and money. Don't go for less that your full potential.