One of the most important areas to put your energy into making your business successful.
Right now it doesn't take much strength to convince you that the surest way to earn an income is through business.
In the past, employment was the key to success and people were encouraged to study to get one.
But despite many literacy, job opportunities have become scarce and many do not.
And even with the few who do get it, they do not enjoy or benefit from it, especially financially.
So whether you have a job or not, you have to have a business.
I have been emphasizing this, in the age we live in now, don't sit around with nothing you can sell to others that no one is planning on how to do.
I strongly believe in business and entrepreneurship and I know within us everyone is an entrepreneur.
And that's why I've been putting so much effort into preparing you with the knowledge to help you in that.
The biggest thing I am thankful for is that people have been gaining the knowledge I share and taking action.
But things do not always go smoothly, for every step that one takes can create new challenges.
Such challenges have left people unprepared and have led many to despair.
But I am with you, making sure everything you start is successful and I have a variety of services to help you with that.
One of the areas where people create new challenges is in business.
Once a person is motivated and takes the initiative to start a business, he or she opens up new challenges that he or she has never encountered in his or her life.
And one big challenge that many face is marketing.
Starting a business is easy, especially in this age where the internet has made it much easier.
But persuading people to buy, to give away their hard-earned money is not easy.
But also the ease with which to enter the business has created intense competition.
So many retailers are competing for the same customers.
For those reasons then, I have been advising all those who are in business or planning to enter the business to put their great power into the markets.
Marketing is the area that can build or break your business.
Without marketing there are no customers and without customers there is no business.
So we can say that marketing is the business itself.
No matter how good a product or service you have, if people do not know your existence and how they benefit, they will not come to buy and the business will not benefit you.
There are two major things to do in marketing so that your business can grow.
The first thing is to offer a very high value that the customer cannot find anywhere else.
Money is a scarce resource and so everyone weighs before spending their money.
Once a person spends money on one thing, he can no longer spend it on another.
So people do not spend their money until they make sure it is the best use they can make with their money.
And that's where the opportunity is to find customers and persuade them to buy.
Give a very high value, a value that the customer cannot find anywhere else, a value that the customer feels he has stolen from you.
That is, let the customer see that he is not wasting his money, but is spending it in the right way for him.
You know your business well, look at how you can give your customer a great value and be willing to buy.
The second thing is to capture the feelings of your customers.
We human beings are emotional beings, we make our decisions based on emotions and then justify them mentally and logically.
If you want people to buy what you are selling, stop worrying about logic, you worry and touch their emotions.
There are two main senses of touch for your customers; pain and disappointment.
Pain is a strong feeling, show the customer what he is missing now or what he will miss by not buying what you are selling.
If you can handle the right pain, customers will rush to give you their money.
Desire is another feeling you can touch and it pushed customers to buy. In desperation you show them the best customers that they will get and that will benefit their lives.
Because people love good things, they will be willing to buy.
If you use those two emotions together, that is, pain and desire, the influence will be greater than if you used one.
One thing I can tell you is this, every business has a way of using emotions and pain to persuade its customers to buy.