

One thing that distinguishes the rich from the poor and how to use it to succeed.

When you see a person who has great wealth and success, it is very easy to give yourself the various reasons that got him there.

You could say he came from a very capable family, or he was very intelligent or his environment carried him.

But how do you explain this?
In one family, there are still people who are rich and others who are poor. If family circumstances were the cause, would not all be the same?

In all kinds of work and business, some people become rich and others become poor. If a job or business would grow because not everyone should be the same?

What about those who win the lottery and earn a lot of money at one time, but after a while they lose all the money and go back to where they were financially? If the difference between the rich and the poor was money, those who received it in abundance would be completely liberated.

You know many who received benefits or legitimacy but soon lost everything and went back to where they were financially.

Friend, with those very obvious examples in our society, it is clear that the difference between rich and poor is not what we see on the outside.

It’s not family, environment, work, business or money.
Whatever looks on the outside may not be the difference between the rich and the poor.
But there is something invisible that makes such a big difference.

Friend, the difference between rich and poor starts in the mind.
That is what author T. Harv Eker teaches us in detail in his book SECRETS OF MILLIONAIRE MIND.

In that book, Eker has shared the creative principle that is within us and that produces all the results we get.

The principle is; M -> F -> H -> T -> K
M is the attitude that one has, this is built on the beliefs that one has built on me one's childhood.
F is an idea that is based on one's point of view.
H is a feeling that is stimulated by the thoughts a person has.
T is the steps a person takes based on the feelings they have.
K is the result that one gets.

Many people have struggled to change the end result without changing the other things and what happens is they fail to change.

Eker tells us that if we want real change, we must start by changing the attitudes and beliefs we have.

And when it comes to money, there are 17 misconceptions that have been a major obstacle to gaining wealth.
These 17 beliefs distinguish the rich from the poor.
By knowing and breaking those 17 beliefs, you cannot remain where you are now.

Are you ready to go higher than you are now?

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