"If I stop learning then I will have stopped the journey to success" - JOHN Wooden
(United States basketball head coach who won 10 national league titles)
Learn the best way to start building your foundation for success through the methods that most people have used to succeed.
At one point a study was conducted in the United States and it was found that the average person watches television for 6 hours.
This means that if this person lives for 60 years he or she will have spent the same amount of 15 years watching Tv which is equivalent to a quarter of his or her life.
One day the famous writer Jack Canfield went to ask the advice of the richest American billionaire W.Clement Stone about the secret of rapid success. Jibu asked him how many hours he watches television,
In response he told her to "Reduce one hour of television viewing, which would be equivalent to an additional 365 hours a year, which is equivalent to an additional 40 hours per week and equivalent to two additional months per year"
He then told her to use those hours to do things that would help her add value to her life. For you it could be the many hours you spend browsing social media, it could be the many hours you watch football, it could be the many hours of storytelling n.k.a.
In order to start over your journey of success you must decide to start spending your time differently from the routine you are used to.
Always remember that people who have successfully reached the top in what they are doing have invested heavily in learning.
Have you ever heard the saying “Leaders are Readers?”
1. Leaders in their field are good readers Dr. John Demartin decided to make a list of all the people who have ever won the Nobel Prize, and he tried to find people who have done well and lead in various fields of life and then decided to read their history.
This made him learn a lot of success techniques and when asked about his success he said it was because he had been reading a lot of success stories and learning.
This is why successful philosopher Jim Rohn once said that if you spend an hour each day learning or reading something you will be reading things that are roughly equivalent to one book a week. Which after 10 years would be the same as reading 520 books and after 20 years it would be the same as 1000 books which would be quite enough to put you in 1% of the best people in what you do.
Ways to read a book effectively:
i. Identify the area in which you want to be the best in your life
ii. Select the specific area you want to build
(Time management, investment etc.) iii. Find the best people in the area
iv. Search for their articles (books or nowadays you can use their social media pages)
v. Start tracking them with continuous reading. Remember that not everything that another reads is a must and you should read it. Read according to your current and future needs.
2. Attend seminars and training tailored to your needs.
It is an indisputable fact that in today's world and especially here in Tanzania it is as if there are seminars everywhere and every day. If you are not careful you may find yourself becoming a person moving from one seminar to another without getting significant results in your life.
So you have to plan for the best way you can benefit from these seminars. In addition, it is recommended that you attend at least one seminar each month to help build your capacity in life. In the way technology is now
So before you decide to attend any seminar you should ask yourself the following questions so that you do not find yourself falling into the trap of attending every seminar:
i. What exactly is this seminar going to teach?
ii.What is being taught is what I need in my life right now?
iii. Who are the speakers? and do they have results in what they say?
iv. What did I do for the last seminar I attended? And what does it have to do with this seminar?
v. Am I attending this seminar because on the day of the seminar I have nothing to do or is it because it is something important to me and even if I were bize I would still attend?
In 2015 Mark Zuckeberg, the owner of facebook declared it a year of books and read a total of 52 books per year.
Zuckerberg has a net worth of $ 62 billion (2016) and leads the world's largest companies, How many companies do you have and how much wealth do you have until you can't find time to study?
Richard Branson, a billionaire who owns more than 400 companies and often finds time to read books. What do you have that keeps you so busy that you don't even have time to read a single book?
Shortly before leaving the palace Obama was asked the secret of his political success. His answer was very short "I used to spend a lot of time reading books".
The leader of a powerful nation and many people in the world had time to read books, what responsibilities do you have that keep you from reading books?
Write down your 3 month plan from now on using the two methods above and start working on it.
Start by analyzing your specific area you want to improve and follow all the steps outlined in the guide above.