"Every dream comes true before it is completed. At every step there are the kind of people you need and also the things you need to do "
Goal: The main purpose of this lesson is to help you know the steps that each goal must go through and what you need to do.
Every goal you have is like a human life being born and growing. But it can also die prematurely.
In order to be successful in life you must make sure that you are aware of the specific seasons that your idea is going through and know exactly what you need to do.
Each summer means there are special things you need to do in order to be successful.
Have you ever seen someone start out well but at the end of the day ended up on the road and failed to reach the peak of success that many had hoped for?
Have you ever seen someone who is brilliant but does not get far compared to someone who does not have a great talent but goes very far?
If you do not know what to do for every moment of your life then you may find yourself stuck moving forward in your life
(Rules of travel and time)
In John Maxwell's book 21 Principles of Leadership he has addressed this very important principle to the success of anyone.
The fact is, you can have unique talents and abilities, but if you do not set goals for yourself, you may find yourself completely lost and unable to get where you need to go.
The essence of this principle is to realize that knowing what to do without knowing when to do it can be the biggest cause of failure in everything you do. Doing the right thing at the wrong time can lead to serious consequences.
DON'T force yourself to do something quickly because everyone else is doing it and don't delay making decisions for fear of what people will say, if you see in your heart a green light has allowed you to do something, move on.
Four Steps To Each Goal You Must Go Through And The Things You Need To Do.
1. Finding an Idea (Conception Stage)
The first step toward a goal or dream you have is to get the first idea to do something.
This is often a stepping-stone to happiness and seeing the unquestionable potential of what you want to do.
Often at this point most people do not see the things that can hinder what they want to do and everyone who will try to show them things that can jeopardize the success of what they want to do tends to view him as their enemy.
At this point you want everyone to see you as you see them and you start to feel like you are already rich even before you start doing (here are the millions on paper).
This is the time when you calculate the profit of the harvest, product or service you provide even before you start.
Sometimes you may find yourself losing sleep over the happiness you experience during this stage as you see you have already become a billionaire.
You need to learn at this stage to be especially responsive to the people you trust, as they can minimize the consequences of taking action without considering the basics of what you need to do. Always remember there are people who have been given the ability to see what you cannot see.
2. Implementation Stage
The next step is when you get into the practical implementation of the idea. This is the time when you see the reality of things sometimes quite differently from what you were thinking at the beginning.
It is at this point that you are confronted with unforeseen obstacles, realizing that your idea requires more time than you anticipated and requires more money than you thought.
The bottom line is that in practice it is where all the clues to do something are completely lost and the questions to start wondering if you keep going or end up on the road then start to come.
Most people end up in the very beginning when they start the implementation after realizing that they can no longer move forward.
3. Isolation stage
If you succeed in crossing the finish line a little further you will find time to be alone.
This is the time when you will find that all the people you were hoping to help with business or pay you fees or connect you, are no longer visible.
This episode is what proves that whether the goal you set was based on yourself or on the motivation of people outside of you.
All the people who started something because of external motivation are getting to this point they can't go any further. This is a time when you can feel as if the world has completely turned on you.
What you need to know is that every successful person has been through a similar experience in his or her life.
This is a time of great pain but you have to work hard to get to the other side. People usually do not want to associate with you when you are going through this time.
4. Celebration Stage The last step you must go through is when success begins to emerge. The first thing you need to know is that in this situation everyone will pretend to be your friend and all those who are lost will start to see them come back slowly and they will want to be seen to have contributed to your success.
In this situation everyone will want to show how much they know you and also everyone will want to be around you at all times.
At this point you need to be very careful as so many people make the mistake of abandoning true friends and find themselves starting to associate with friends who have just come to pursue their success.
With the big goal you have for this year, are you at any of the aforementioned milestones?
Are you prepared for the next steps to deal with the challenges that come with it?