According to health experts in the United States, statistics were released regarding the problem of asthma in the country and the world in general.
Research shows that the United States had 17 million asthma patients compared to 14.5 million five years earlier.
Asthma is among the chronic respiratory diseases that affect a large number of people worldwide, especially children, estimated to be over 5.5 million, and this number is increasing day by day.
However, despite the magnitude of the problem, there is still hope for dealing with the disease due to various ongoing research conducted by health experts, who provide solutions to reduce the burden.
Understanding Asthma
When you breathe in, air goes through the mouth or nose into the airways and travels to the lungs. In this air transport pathway, asthma occurs when these passages are obstructed by something from the outside, causing difficulty in breathing.
This difficulty in breathing arises from the narrowing of the airways, which is caused by the altered functioning of these organs due to the stimulation from an external factor such as polluted air, dust, or pollen. This stimulation triggers the production of mucus in the body of the affected person, even though it may not have the same effect on another person if it enters their airways while they breathe. This factor is known as an allergy.
Asthma largely occurs through heredity, especially in people with allergies.
Asthma is divided into two categories, each with its own distinct causes.
i) The first type of this disease is caused by hereditary factors, especially in people with allergies, and is commonly known as allergic asthma, which is prevalent in African countries including Tanzania.
This type of asthma is largely caused by allergens such as pollen, fog, animals, dust particles, etc. However, allergens are often found in close proximity. While dust particles and mold enter the human body through the airways, allergic asthma can also be triggered by anything ingested, such as certain fruits like strawberries.
Mold and dust found in mattresses, as well as the beautiful fur of cuddly animals, can be dangerous for a person with asthma as they can trigger an attack of allergic asthma.
ii) The second type of asthma is known as non-allergic asthma, which does not stem from allergies or hereditary factors and can affect anyone due to its various causes. This type of asthma is caused by factors such as fungal spores, extreme cold, exercise, smoke, strong-smelling perfumes, stress, and environmental pollution, including smoke from cigarette smoking, which also triggers asthma attacks.
The symptoms of asthma do not vary based on their sources, but they all appear and manifest similarly in the human body when the problem arises in the individual's health. Pay attention to the following symptoms before making a detailed decision:
- Tightness in the chest
- Dry cough
- Rapid heartbeat
- Insufficient airflow in the airways
- Feeling cold
Until now, there is no direct cure that has been discovered to treat any type of asthma problem. However, there are sprays and injections available to relieve asthma attacks. The good news is that all conditions of this disease, whether mild or severe, caused by allergies can be managed if the necessary precautions are taken by the affected person.
Experienced doctors in treating asthma can be of great help to a patient with this condition. Every patient should consult a doctor to understand the root cause and severity of their problem before making the decision to use medication without proper guidance.
After the disease is diagnosed, it is easy for the patient to start alternative treatment based on the professional advice they have received.
Asthma patients should also understand that no medication in the world can help them cope with their condition if they smoke, use marijuana, or consume tobacco. The main approach is to avoid all triggers that can worsen the condition.
After identifying all the methods listed above, the patient should consult a doctor to undergo thorough tests and determine their condition and how to manage it. The doctor's advice will depend on the results of the "cytotoxicity" test, which will help identify the type of allergy present in the body and causing asthma in the patient. The test results will help determine the type of foods to eat, medications to take, and risky areas to avoid in order to manage asthma.
It is advisable to avoid the use of traditional remedies that have not been approved by the traditional medicine unit at Muhimbili, but rather start using prescribed medication.
(a) Avoid environments that trigger asthma attacks as directed by your doctor.
(b) Avoid cosmetics and strong perfumes that trigger asthma in your case.
(c) Consume plant-based foods such as spinach, zucchini, eggplants, green beans, cucumbers, and all other vegetables of similar origin.
(d) The patient should consume a high amount of raw fish. Research shows that the consumption of these foods is closely related to the disappearance of asthma symptoms in individuals with a history of this disease.
The use of these alternative treatments should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment or advice. Please consider the treatment and advice of your doctor along with any prescribed medication you have been given.