


Hernia disease occurs when the intestinal part slips and penetrates the abdominal muscle wall, entering a groin or upper thigh area. However, sometimes this condition occurs when the muscle wall separating the lungs and intestines ruptures, allowing fluid accumulation in the upper intestine or lower lung area. Hernia is a condition that causes severe pain and often requires surgery, but you can prevent this problem in the future and treat the pain caused by this condition naturally.


This disease is caused by: Protein deficiency in the body
Lack of adequate protein-rich food. This leads to weakening of the membrane separating the intestines and the bones that make up the waist and hips, or the membrane separating the lungs and intestines (diaphragm).


If a person has an accident that results in pressure release in soft body tissues, which can lead to hernia, then they can develop this problem at other times as well, such as in the lungs, head, or other areas.

Hard labor

This also leads to the occurrence of this problem. Activities that require exerting a lot of force or straining, such as lifting heavy objects, climbing coconut trees, or intense exercises, are among the factors that can cause this problem.

Ways to deal with hernia without surgery

The only sure way to deal with this problem is through surgical removal of the swelling, but if the problem is in its early stages, the following methods can help the patient or someone who needs to avoid this problem.
  1. Prevent getting a hernia by eating low-fat foods and foods high in protein. Having excess fat and a lack of protein can weaken the muscles of the abdominal wall and cause hernia. Adding a diet with low fat and high protein such as chicken, certain fish, homemade hard cheese, and low-fat milk can strengthen the muscles that prevent hernia.
  2. Use supplements such as Hawthorinia every day until the symptoms disappear. These supplements are a combination of root seeds that work together to strengthen the muscles that support internal organs. If used sufficiently, Hawthorinia can stop the growth of a hernia and prevent its recurrence. 
  3. If the symptoms persist after using two bottles of these supplements, then the hernia may have matured excessively, and you may need to undergo surgery. To get these supplements, refer to the last page of this book for contact information. 
  4. Establish a regular exercise routine to strengthen your muscles and prevent hernia. Consult a healthcare professional to advise you on the type of exercises you should do and assist with weight management and muscle correction. 
  5. Try to eat fruits such as apples, pears, avocados, grapes, and beans. A poor diet contributes to the occurrence of hernia problems.

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